Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoying that big meal with the family is fun, but cleaning up the house can be dreadful. We think you might be able to use some of these helpful tips! Full article here.
No more sick days: maintaining a healthy workplace
The average American employee misses 3 days of work per year due to illness, much of it during winter flu season. For employers, that translates into about $34.4 billion in lost productivity! The rise this year in cases of the flu virus H1N1 has health care officials concerned that the number of cases could be much higher this year than in recent seasons. That said, there are a number of things employers can do to stop the spread of germs and avoid an ‘office epidemic’. Encouraging employees to wash hands… Read more »
7 recipes for common carpet stain catastrophes

Carpet stains- no matter how clean your home is, unsightly stains make a bad impression and may contribute to funky home odors. Although carpet cleaners and vacuuming will take care of most of the dirt in your wall-to-wall carpet, sometimes you need to haul out the big guns and customize a treatment for what’s ailing your carpet. To aid in this process, I’ve hauled out my recipe box of specialty carpet stain removers, and am sharing the ones that are most frequently requested. (Common sense precautions: always blot liquid stains… Read more »
Pee-Yew! Getting the stink out of your house

A humid basement or pet odor might be something you notice from time to time, but after a while, your sniffer simply stops smelling it. Assuming you’d rather not have guests wrinkling their noses as they enter your home, you need to assess and address your home’s primary odor offenders. Here are some tips for removing common odors and giving your home some aromatic awesomeness.
What’s outside matters, too!
Three “must-do” outdoor tasks to spruce up the house.

With fall just around the corner, time for outdoor projects is growing shorter, but it’s not too late to spruce things up and improve your ‘curb appeal’ before winter comes. Even if you’re still working on your Spring Cleaning list, one weekend spent on the outside of your home will make you want to throw a block party to celebrate! Attack this low-hanging fruit to spruce up the outside of your home and start planning the barbecues.
Proud to be a St. Louis partner with Cleaning for a Reason

Living with cancer can be just as difficult as undergoing the painful, exhausting treatments. Approximately 1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer in her lifetime. For families dealing with the effects of cancer on a loved one, priorities shift rapidly into survival mode. Cleaning can easily take a back seat to more immediate needs, but for someone who may be housebound, a dirty house can really decrease morale and create an unhealthy environment. Compassion and Cleanliness Cleaning for a Reason, a nonprofit organization, was created… Read more »